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St Peter In Eastgate Infant School

St Peter In Eastgate Church of England Infant School



If your child is off school because of illness please telephone the school on the first morning of absence so that the class teacher can be informed. If you are concerned about the period of time your child needs to be off following sickness please click here for information. A letter confirming the illness should also be sent to the class teacher/office upon the child's return to school.


If your child requires medicine to be administered during the school day when they return to school, it is at the school's discretion as to whether they are happy to administer this on your behalf. Please speak to the school office to ask permission for this. A consent form MUST be completed prior to the medication being administered. A seperate form should be completed for each seperate medication. Although the school will try to meet parental requests to assist with medication, parents must realise that the school is a very busy environment and this is outside the remit of our work, and therefore, will not take responsibility if a dosage is overlooked or missed. If concerned about this, please make arrangements for someone to come into school to administer it. The form for consent can be completed with the Online Medicine Permission From or printed from this link,from the school office.

Appointments during the school day

If your child has a doctors/dentist/hospital appointment and will be in school late or has to be collected early, please inform the class teacher in writing. Copies of appointments for hospital etc maybe requested.  However, appointments during school time are to be avoided and only taken when absolutely necessary as there are sufficient hours outside of school time to take general appointments.


Lateness is a form of absence as over a period of time the odd 5,10 or 15 minutes of lost school add up to hours of lost learning for your child! We appreciate there are times where it can not be avoided and at these times you should ring the school in advance and notify them of your reason and estimated time of arrival. The school regularly monitors those who are regularly late and further action maybe taken to ensure that this does not continue. 

Holidays during term time

Authorised absence during term time to go on holiday will not be authorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances. You must apply for authorisation in advance in by writing to the Head teacher. The price of a holiday being considerably cheaper during term time is not an exceptional reason as this affects all parents. If you report your child as absent from school due to illness and then the child informs us on return that they have been on holiday the absence leave will go down as unauthorised if the school has just cause to believe them. Please note: retrospective requests for leave will not be authorised under any cirucumstances.

Legislation from the Department of Education – Holidays in term time cannot be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. The 2007 regulations set out the procedures for issuing penalty notices (fines) to each parent who fails to ensure their children’s regular attendance at school or fails to ensure that their excluded child is not in a public place during the first five days of exclusion. Parents must pay £60 if they pay within 28 days; or £120 if they pay within 42 days.